CUBRID Examples

다음은 PHP와 CUBRID를 연결하는 간단한 예이다. 이 섹션에서는 가장 기본적이고 주목할만한 기능을 다룹니다. CUBRID 데이터베이스에 접속하기 위해서는 다음 코드가 필요하며, 이는 CUBRID 서버와 CUBRID 브로커가 실행 중이어야 함을 의미한다.

아래 예에서는 demodb 데이터베이스를 예로 사용합니다. 기본적으로 설치 중에 생성됩니다. 생성되었는지 확인합니다.

예 #1 데이터 검색의 예

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">
    <table border=2>
         * Set server information for CUBRID connection. host_ip is the IP
         * address where the CUBRID Broker is installed (localhost in this
         * example), and host_port is the port number of the CUBRID Broker.
         * The port number is the default given during the installation.
         * For details, see "Administrator's Guide."
        $host_ip = "localhost";
        $host_port = 33000;
        $db_name = "demodb";
         * Connect to CUBRID Server. Do not make the actual connection, but
         * only retain the connection information. The reason for not making
         * the actual connection is to handle transaction more efficiently
         * in the 3-tier architecture.
        $cubrid_con = @cubrid_connect($host_ip, $host_port, $db_name);

        if (!$cubrid_con) {
            echo "Database Connection Error";
        $sql = "select sports, count(players) as players from event group by sports";
         * Request the CUBRID Server for the results of the SQL statement.
         * Now make the actual connection to the CUBRID Server.
        $result = cubrid_execute($cubrid_con, $sql);

        if ($result) {
             * Get the column names from the result set created by the SQL query.
            $columns = cubrid_column_names($result);
             * Get the number of columns in the result set created by the SQL query.
            $num_fields = cubrid_num_cols($result);
             * List the column names of the result set on the screen.

            while (list($key, $colname) = each($columns)) {
                echo("<td align=center>$colname</td>");


             * Get the results from the result set.
            while ($row = cubrid_fetch($result)) {

                for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
                    echo("<td align=center>");

         * The PHP module in the CUBRID runs in a 3-tier architecture. Even when
         * calling SELECT for transaction processing, it is processed as a part
         * of the transaction. Therefore, the transaction needs to be rolled back
         * by calling commit or rollback even though SELECT was called for smooth
         * performance.

예제 #2 데이터 삽입의 예

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=euc- kr">
    <table border=2>
         * host_ip is the IP address where the CUBRID Broker is installed
         * host_port is the port number of the CUBRID Broker
         * db_name is the name of CUBRID Database
        $host_ip = "localhost";
        $host_port = 33000;
        $db_name = "demodb";
        $cubrid_con = @cubrid_connect($host_ip, $host_port, $db_name);

        if (!$cubrid_con) {
            echo "Database Connection Error";
        $sql = "insert into olympic (host_year,host_nation,host_city,"
            . "opening_date,closing_date) values (2008, 'China', 'Beijing',"
            . "to_date('08-08-2008','mm-dd- yyyy'),to_date('08-24-2008','mm-dd-yyyy')) ;"
        $result = cubrid_execute($cubrid_con, $sql);
        if ($result) {
             * Handled successfully, so commit.
            echo("Inserted successfully ");
        } else {
             * Error occurred, so the error message is output and rollback is called.