IMAP, POP3 및 NNTP imap_headerinfo

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

imap_headerinfo — 메시지 헤더 읽기


    IMAP\Connection $imap,
    int $message_num,
    int $from_length = 0,
    int $subject_length = 0
): stdClass|false

헤더를 읽어 주어진 메시지 번호에 대한 정보를 가져옵니다.


IMAP\Connection 인스턴스입니다.
메시지 번호
fetchfrom 속성의 문자 수입니다. 0보다 크거나 같아야 합니다.
fetchsubject 속성의 문자 수는 0보다 크거나 같아야 합니다.

반환 값

오류가 발생하면 false를 반환하거나 성공하면 다음 속성을 가진 개체의 정보를 반환합니다.

  • toaddress - full to: line, up to 1024 characters
  • to - an array of objects from the To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • fromaddress - full from: line, up to 1024 characters
  • from - an array of objects from the From: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • ccaddress - full cc: line, up to 1024 characters
  • cc - an array of objects from the Cc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • bccaddress - full bcc: line, up to 1024 characters
  • bcc - an array of objects from the Bcc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • reply_toaddress - full Reply-To: line, up to 1024 characters
  • reply_to - an array of objects from the Reply-To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • senderaddress - full sender: line, up to 1024 characters
  • sender - an array of objects from the Sender: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • return_pathaddress - full Return-Path: line, up to 1024 characters
  • return_path - an array of objects from the Return-Path: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • remail -
  • date - The message date as found in its headers
  • Date - Same as date
  • subject - The message subject
  • Subject - Same as subject
  • in_reply_to -
  • message_id -
  • newsgroups -
  • followup_to -
  • references -
  • Recent - R if recent and seen, N if recent and not seen, ' ' if not recent.
  • Unseen - U if not seen AND not recent, ' ' if seen OR not seen and recent
  • Flagged - F if flagged, ' ' if not flagged
  • Answered - A if answered, ' ' if unanswered
  • Deleted - D if deleted, ' ' if not deleted
  • Draft - X if draft, ' ' if not draft
  • Msgno - The message number
  • MailDate -
  • Size - The message size
  • udate - mail message date in Unix time
  • fetchfrom - from line formatted to fit from_length characters
  • fetchsubject - subject line formatted to fit subject_length characters

변경 로그

버전 설명
8.1.0 imap 매개변수는 이제 IMAP\Connection 인스턴스를 필요로 합니다. 이전에는 리소스가 필요했습니다.
8.0.0 사용하지 않는 defaulthost 매개변수가 제거되었습니다.
